
Lying down in the hammock listening to the constant whispering of the animals from the Amazonian forest near by. I ignore the number of eyes that are watching at me from the dark forest - do they want to have you as a prey or do they want to hug you and take you in their arms? A deadly hug? - could be.
Here, silence does not exist, the forest sing good night song and continues until you wake up in the morning.
In the middle of all this, women and men lead their destiny far from the town, closer to Pacha Mama and the roots of the Earth. Protecting themselves from the world from which we just came after three days spend on the sacred river.
It took me four years to publish these photos. I hope you would like some of the people that I met in the Amazonian forest during the project Oriximina. These photos are my first experiment with the analog camera and film.
Here are some of my favourite characters from the journey.