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For me and my friend Cyril, Iran marked the end of our three-month journey on the Silk Road. On this expedition, we have been recording musicians in the surrounding countries like Georgia, Armenia or Turkey. At the border with Armenia, we were afraid that our microphones would be confiscated and the local border police would stop us and erase all our recorded data and find an excuse to send us back. Finally our Visa were in order and, surprisingly, everything went smoothly without any major inspection.
The Iranian people have always been kind, helpful and honest. Cities like Tabriz, Rasht and Yazd captivated us and we felt safe everywhere. During the days in Iran I remembered my parents telling me about the Czech Republic's past during the communist era: "Every time a foreigner came to our land, we tried to explain and prove them that we are not the same as the regime that currently rules us." Such situations happened many times in Iran. The vast majority of Iranians did not agree with the regime that was currently ruling them, and all they demanded from us was to hear them out and spread the message.

Here are my favourite characters from the journey.

© 2018 Matej Vohryzek

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